Hartford City Parks Department
Amount: $10,000
Purpose: To make improvements to the skate park
Hartford City Public Library
Amount: $5,250 from the CAPE Fund
Purpose: To help construct the outdoor classroom at the Nature Play Area
Blackford County 4-H Council
Amount: $2,500
Purpose: To help purchase educational materials for 4-H youth projects
Blackford Youth Soccer League
Amount: $10,728
Purpose: To help with upgrading and expanding the soccer complex
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Chapter of Blackford County
Amount: $5,000
Purpose: To support the purchase of high-quality children’s books that are mailed monthly to local children ages 0-5 years in order to enhance their early literacy skills
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Chapter of Blackford County
Amount: $5,000
Purpose: To help purchase books for the local children in the Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program.
Hartford City Public Library
Amount: $12,200
Purpose: To provide funding for a landscape plan for the Nature Play Area.
Blackford County Schools
Amount: $5,000 (partially funded through the Paul L. Roderick Memorial Fund)
Purpose: To provide partial funding of the 2018 Camp Invention STEM experience for elementary students.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Chapter of Blackford County
Amount: $2,500 (from the C.A.P.E. Fund)
Purpose: To help purchase books for the local children in the Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Chapter of Blackford County
Amount: $2,829
Purpose: To help purchase books for the local children in the Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program.
Grace United Methodist Church
Amount: $12,800
Purpose: To purchase updated playground equipment to accommodate the additional number of children enrolled in the Helen Lieber Early Learning Academy.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Chapter of Blackford County (funded by the C.A.P.E. Fund)
Amount: $2,500
Purpose: To provide high quality children’s literature that is mailed monthly to local children ages 0-5.
Hartford City Public Library
Amount: $56,397 (funded by the C.A.P.E. Fund)
Purpose: To build outdoor nature play learning stations for pre-school and elementary age children that will be used to foster literacy.
Montpelier Harrison Township Public Library
Amount: $2,024 (from the C.A.P.E. Fund)
Purpose: To provide summer literacy activities and experiences for local elementary children.
Montpelier Harrison Township Public Library (partially funded by the C.A.P.E. Fund)
Amount: $7,519
Purpose: To provide funds for an after-school program at the library.
Hartford City Public Library (partially funded by the C.A.P.E. Fund)
Amount: $2,500
Purpose: To support the 2017 summer reading program.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Chapter of Blackford County (funded by the C.A.P.E. Fund)
Amount: $5,000
Purpose: To provide high quality children’s literature that is mailed monthly to local children ages 0-5.
Blackford Youth Soccer League, Inc. (partial funding from the Paul L. Roderick Memorial Fund)
Amount: $6,700
Purpose: To install sidewalks and fencing for the soccer facility.
Blackford County YMCA (funded by the Gadbury Health Fund)
Amount: $3,000
Purpose: To support a variety of youth fitness and health programs.
Blackford County Schools
Amount: $3,000
Purpose: To support the Camp Invention, a week long summer enrichment camp.
Blackford High Schools
Amount: $3,000
Purpose: To help fund an Honors Banquet.
The Good Seed Initiative, Inc. (partial funding from the Gadbury Health Fund)
Amount: $5,121.98
Purpose: To help support a community agriculture program teaching youth about food production, small scale farming, sustainability, and agribusiness through hands-on experiences.
Schuller Stables, Inc.
Amount: $4,500
Purpose: To support the High Riding Art and Equestrian Camp for children in Blackford County.
Blackford Youth Soccer League, Inc. (partial funding from the Paul L. Roderick Memorial Fund)
Amount: $12,000
Purpose: To purchase equipment and an addition to storage building.
Montpelier Youth League (partial funding from the Thomas and Bernice Johnson Memorial Fund)
Amount: $8,000
Purpose: To expand and update a youth baseball field to accommodate the boys’ intermediate baseball league and the softball league.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Chapter of Blackford County (funded by the C.A.P.E. Endowment Fund)
Amount: $5,000
Purpose: To purchase books that are sent each month to preschool age children in Blackford County.
Blackford County Economic Development Corporation
Amount: $4,500
Purpose: To support implementation of the WeEngage project, encouraging Blackford High School students to create community development ideas.
Schuller Stables, Inc.
Amount: $4,500
Purpose: To support the High Riding Art and Equestrian Camp for children in Blackford County.
Blackford County YMCA (funded by the Paul Roderick Memorial Fund)
Amount: $3,000
Purpose: To support participation of underprivileged children in YMCA programs, such as summer day camp, afterschool program, swim lessons, and youth basketball.
Hartford City Public Library (funded by the C.A.P.E. Endowment Fund and the William E. Ervin Memorial Fund)
Amount: $2,700
Purpose: To provide marketing materials and supplies for the 2016 Summer Reading Program.
The Good Seed Initiative, Inc.
Amount: $2,500
Purpose: To help support a community agriculture program teaching youth about food production, small scale farming, sustainability, and agribusiness through hands-on experiences.
Hartford City Public Library (funded by the C.A.P.E. Fund)
Amount: $2,460
Purpose: To provide marketing materials and supplies for the 2015 Summer Reading Program.
Christian Outdoor Ministry Experience
Amount: $2,341
Purpose: To provide financial assistance for a program teaching outdoor skills to preteens and teens in a faith-based atmosphere.
Christian Outdoor Ministry Experience (funded by the Blackford County HOPE Fund and the Paul L. Roderick Memorial Fund)
Amount: $1,000
Purpose: To provide financial assistance for a program teaching outdoor skills to preteens and teens in a faith-based atmosphere.
Blackford Softball, Inc.
Amount: $500
Purpose: To provide heat for winter softball practice.
Hartford City Public Library (funded by the C.A.P.E. Fund)
Amount: $17,160
Purpose: To purchase books for preschool children, computer stations for the children’s room, and an interactive whiteboard for afterschool storytime.
City of Hartford City Swing of Faith (funded by the Betty and Robert Renner Community Fund and the Paul Roderick Memorial Fund)
Amount: $5,000
Purpose: To provide handicap playground equipment at the Hartford City Swimming Pool Park and the Montpelier Baldwin Park.
Blackford United Way, Inc. (funded by the C.A.P.E. Fund and the William E. Ervin Memorial Fund)
Amount: $5,000
Purpose: To provide support for the Blackford County Imagination Library program that sends high-quality children’s literature to Blackford County preschool children each month.
Blackford County Schools (funded by the Vincent F. and Anna C. Cimino Community Fund)
Amount: $4,500
Purpose: To provide funding for the High Riding Equestrian and Arts Camp for Blackford County students.
Hartford City Public Library (funded by the C.A.P.E. Fund and the William E. Ervin Memorial Fund)
Amount: $3,677
Purpose: To provide materials for the library’s 2014 summer reading program.
Blackford County 4-H Council (partially funded by the C.A.P.E. Fund)
Amount: $2,500
Purpose: To provide educational materials for approximately 200 Blackford County youth enrolled in 4-H projects.
Blackford County YMCA (funded by the Paul Roderick Memorial Fund)
Amount: $2,500
Purpose: To provide scholarships for community youth to participate in YMCA activities.
Blackford County Schools (funded by the Vincent F. and Anna C. Cimino Community Fund)
Amount: $2,000
Purpose: To support Camp Invention in June 2014, a camp focused on science, technology, engineering and math for students in grades 1-6.
Blackford County Schools
Amount: $2,000
Purpose: To support the 2015 Camp Invention for students in grades 1-6.
Blackford County Schools (funded by the Dorothy Gadbury Fund)
Amount: $1,500
Purpose: To provide funding for 2014 Red Ribbon Week campaign for alcohol, tobacco, drug, and violence prevention.
John XXIII Center (funded by the Women of Worth Funds)
Amount: $500
Purpose: To provide funding for a program aimed at improving junior high girls’ self-esteem.
Montpelier-Harrison Township Public Library (funded by the Women of Worth Funds)
Amount: $500
Purpose: To provide furniture for the early literacy area at the library.
Blackford County Schools (funded by the Women of Worth Funds)
Amount: $500
Purpose: To support the Positive Behavior Program at Blackford Junior High School.
Hartford City Public Library (funded by the Women of Worth Funds)
Amount: $500
Purpose: To purchase materials for the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Program.
Blackford County Schools (funded by the Women of Worth Funds)
Amount: $500
Purpose: To provide funding the Core Value Program (character education) at Blackford High School.
Hillcroft Services, Inc. (funded by the Betty and Robert Renner Community Fund and the Vincent F. and Anna C. Cimino Community Fund)
Amount: $6,000
Purpose: To support the High Riding Arts, Science, Sports & Equestrian Camp, providing opportunities to develop social skills, physical skills, and creativity to Blackford County children.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library (funded by the C.A.P.E. Endowment Fund)
Amount: $4,000
Purpose: To provide high quality, age appropriate books to all Blackford County children under the age of five.
Youth Service Bureau of Jay County (funded by the C.A.P.E. Endowment Fund)
Amount: $2,000
Purpose: To support the Born to Learn program in Blackford County, which assists families with preparing their 0 – 5-year-olds for learning.
Blackford County YMCA (funded by the Paul L. Roderick Memorial Fund)
Amount: $2,000
Purpose: To support the YMCA’s annual Invest-in-Youth campaign.
Blackford County Huddle of Fellowship of Christian Athletes (funded by the John R. and Jane C. Maddox Family Fund)
Amount: $1,522
Purpose: To support the work of the local Fellowship of Christian Athletes group.
Boy Scouts of America Pack 500 (funded by the Thomas and Bernice Johnson Memorial Fund)
Amount: $1,200
Purpose: To support a five-day camp for Cub Scouts at Wildwood Acres that provides social and physical development opportunities.
Mental Health Association/Mental Health America in Blackford County (funded by the Paul L. Roderick Memorial Fund)
Amount: $1,200
Purpose: To send two special needs youth from Blackford County to Camp Isanogel.
Blackford County Schools (funded by the Vincent F. and Anna C. Cimino Community Fund)
Amount: $1,000
Purpose: To support Camp Invention summer science and technology camp at Northside Elementary School for students in grades 1 – 6.
Youth Service Bureau of Jay County, Inc. (funded by the Women of Worth Funds)
Amount: $228
Purpose: To partially fund the Born to Learn program that provides in-home activities to help parents make sure their preschoolers are ready at five-years-old for kindergarten.
Hillcroft Services, Inc.
Amount: $6,000
Purpose: To support the High Riding Art and Equestrian Day Camp for local children to participate in equestrian, art, science, and dance activities for a one-week camp in Blackford County.
Blackford County Schools
Amount: $6,000
Purpose: To provide partial funding for the Blackford High School Band to perform at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.
Blackford United Way (funded by the C.A.P.E. Endowment Fund)
Grant Amount: $5,000
Grant Purpose:To underwrite the cost of high-quality children’s books mailed monthly to Blackford County children through the Dolly Parton “Imagination Library” program.
Youth Service Bureau of Jay County, Inc. (funded by the C.A.P.E. Endowment Fund)
Amount: $5,000
Purpose: To provide partial funding to the Born to Learn program that enhances parenting skills to 15-20 families in Blackford County.
Blackford County Schools (funded by the Paul L. Roderick Memorial Fund)
Amount: $2,750
Purpose: To give school supplies and clothing to needy children.
Montpelier Community Builders
Amount: $2,500
Purpose: To introduce 4- to 12-year-olds and their parents to the elements of a healthy lifestyle.
Blackford County Schools
Amount: $2,500
Purpose: To provide the Camp Invention program with math, science, technology, and engineering activities for Blackford County children in grades 1-6 during one week in June.
Blackford County Schools
Amount: $2,100
Purpose: To provide an anti-bullying program designed to help local elementary students better respond to confrontation.
Blackford County YMCA
Amount: $1,700
Purpose: To help underprivileged families participate in the YMCA programs.
Blackford County Schools
Amount: $1,500
Purpose: To fund a program that will help students at Blackford Junior High School respond positively to the school environment.
Blackford County Purdue Cooperative Extension Service (funded by the Vincent F. and Anna C. Cimino Community Fund, the Thomas and Bernice Johnson Memorial Fund, and the Paul L. Roderick Memorial Fund)
Grant Amount: $1,200
Grant Purpose:To provide equipment for a 4-H archery program that instructs young people in archery skills and safety.
Mental Health Association/Mental Health America in Blackford County
Amount: $1,200
Purpose: To send two local special needs students to Camp Isanogel in Delaware County for a one-week camp.
Boy Scouts of America Troop #500 (partially funded by the Betty and Robert Renner Community Fund and the Vincent F. and Anna C. Cimino Community Fund)
Amount: $1,100
Purpose: To provide partial support for a trip to New York for up to 60 scouts.
Blackford County Veterans Affairs Office
Amount: $1,000
Purpose: To continue the mentoring program between Blackford County students and the Blackford County Veterans Affairs Office.
Blackford County Schools
Amount: $1,000
Purpose: To prove a positive behavior intervention program using student incentives at Blackford High School.
Blackford County Schools (funded by the Paul L. Roderick Memorial Fund)
Amount: $900
Purpose: To give each incoming ninth grade student a Blackford High School t-shirt in order to foster a sense of school community.
Purdue University Blackford County Extension Service (funded by the Paul L. Roderick Memorial Fund)
Amount: $875
Purpose: To offer the K-ID’s BMV safety identification card program to Blackford County residents.
Blackford County Schools (funded by the Dorothy Gadbury Fund)
Amount: $500
Purpose: To provide materials and other support for the Just Say No Club at Southside Elementary School, which gives prevention and intervention tools to young students for dealing with underage drinking and other drug use.
Youth Service Bureau of Jay County, Inc.
Amount: $10,000
Purpose: To support the Born to Learn program in Blackford County.
Blackford County Schools
Amount: $4,845
Purpose: To support the High Riding Art and Equestrian Day Camp for local students.
The Boy Scouts of America Troop #500
Amount: $3,000
Purpose: To purchase a new cargo trailer.
Ball State University
Amount: $3,000
Purpose: To provide partial funding for a Health and Wellness Camp for Blackford County youth.
Blackford County Schools
Amount: $2,300
Purpose: To purchase needed personal hygiene and clothing items for Blackford County children as a service learning project of the Fifth Grade Grant Writers at Northside Elementary School.
Blackford County YMCA
Amount: $1,750
Purpose: To help fund scholarships for local students to participate in YMCA activities.
Blackford County Schools, Montpelier School (2011)
Amount: $1,400
Purpose: To support the Kodiak Achievement Teams, which focus on early dropout prevention for fifth and sixth grade students at Montpelier School through peer interaction and leadership.
Boy Scouts of America Troop #500
Amount: $900
Purpose: To help fund the Cub Scout Summer Camp Program.
Blackford County Schools
Amount: $800
Purpose: To support the purchase of t-shirts for Freshmen Orientation.