Blackford County Civil War Reenactment Club, Inc.
Amount: $6,000 from the Joanne and Nolan Willman Unrestricted Fund
Purpose: To help purchase the services of professional reenactors for Civil War Days 2021
Hartford City Parks Department
Amount: $10,000
Purpose: To make improvements to the skate park
Hartford City Public Library
Amount: $5,250 from the CAPE Fund
Purpose: To help construct the outdoor classroom at the Nature Play Area
Blackford Development Corporation
Amount: $10,000
Purpose: To provide preliminary design services for development of the Weiler Lot into a downtown park area
Montpelier Community Builders
Amount: $3,732
Purpose: To partially fund restroom improvements to commercial-grade equipment and installation of a vending machine
Blackford United Way, Inc.
Amount: $5,000
Purpose: To support the local nonprofit agencies that are currently part of Blackford United Way, Inc.
City of Montpelier
Amount: $1,112
Purpose: To purchase park improvements made of recycled caps donated by Creek Run
Montpelier Civic Center
Amount: $11,040
Purpose: To update the lighting to LED lights for significant cost savings
Tori’s Butterfly Garden Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $2,750
Purpose: To help in supporting the 2019 SummerFest Art Festival
Blackford County Historical Society
Amount: $3,000
Purpose: To adapt current garage space to comply with professional collection storage standards.
Blackford Greenway
Amount: $10,000 (partially funded by the Dorothy Gadbury Fund)
Purpose: To provide enhancements to the Greenway.
Blackford United Way, Inc.
Amount: $5,000
Purpose: To support the 15 local agencies currently part of Blackford United Way.
Blackford United Way, Inc.
Amount: $5,000
Purpose: To support the 19 local agencies currently part of Blackford United Way
Hartford City Parks and Recreation Department
Amount: $15,000 (partially funded through the Betty L. and Robert W. Renner Community Fund and the Paul L. Roderick Memorial Fund)
Purpose: To support improvements to the Wilderness Park project.
Hartford City Public Library
Amount: $20,604 (from the C.A.P.E. Fund)
Purpose: To complete the Phase I construction of the Nature Play Area.
Hartford City Public Library
Amount: $20,250 (from the C.A.P.E. Fund)
Purpose: To construct a splash pad for the Nature Play Area east of the Library.
Hartford City Public Library
Amount: $10,000 (from the C.A.P.E. Fund)
Purpose: To match funds raised by the Library for and entryway and the activity areas in the Nature Play Area.
Montpelier Kiwanis Club
Amount: $525
Purpose: To help provide the licensing fee for Summer Movies in the Park
Tori’s Butterfly Garden Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $2,500
Purpose: To provide partial funding for the 2018 SummerFest Arts Festival in downtown Hartford City.
Blackford United Way Inc.
Amount: $5,000
Purpose: To support eighteen community nonprofit organizations.
Blackford United Way Inc.
Amount: $2,500
Purpose: To support eighteen community nonprofit organizations.
Hartford City Parks Department
Amount: $13,863
Purpose: To support improvements to the pedestrian component of Wilderness Park Project.
Jamboree Inc.
Amount: $1,000
Purpose: To provide part of entertainment at the 2017 Montpelier Jamboree.
Montpelier Civic Center
Amount: $11,954
Purpose: To update and improve the HVAC system at the Center.
Montpelier Kiwanis Club
Amount: $740
Purpose: To provide monetary support for Montpelier summer movies.
Montpelier Lions Club
Amount: $660 (funded by the Thomas and Bernice Johnson Memorial Fund)
Purpose: To upgrade the electrical wiring in the Montpelier Lions Club building.
Blackford United Way, Inc. (partially funded by the Betty L. and Robert W. Renner Community Fund, the Vincent F. and Anna C. Cimino Community Fund, the Cimino Family Fund, and the Thomas and Bernice Johnson Memorial Fund)
Amount: $3,000
Purpose: To provide semiannual funding for a variety of community organizations and projects.
The Good Seed Initiative, Inc.
Amount: $2,761
Purpose: To underwrite the expenses of a living history event in celebration of Blackford County and Indiana’s Bicentennial.
BCDEC WeEngage
Amount: $10,000
Purpose: To fund WeEngage project with high school students proposing community projects.
Blackford United Way, Inc.
Amount: $5,000
Purpose: To provide semiannual funding support for a variety of community projects.
Hartford City Library
Amount: $6,000
Purpose: To provide funds for roof repair.
Blackford County 4-H Fair Board
Amount: $9,399
Purpose: To fund a new roof on the 4-H Building at the fairgrounds.
Blackford United Way, Inc.
Amount: $5,000
Purpose: To provide additional semiannual support for 14 local nonprofit agencies in the county.
Blackford United Way, Inc.
Amount: $5,000
Purpose: To provide semiannual funding support for United Way agencies.
Hartford City Rotary Club
Amount: $4,500
Purpose: To purchase bulletproof vests for the Blackford County Sheriff’s Department.
Hartford City Cemetery Association Inc.
Amount: $1,000
Purpose: To help replace and repair paving in the cemetery.
Montpelier Kiwanis Club
Amount: $500
Purpose: To provide an outdoor summer movie event in Montpelier.
Montpelier Harrison Township Public Library
Amount: $15,000
Purpose: To replace windows that may have been part of original construction in 1908.
Montpelier Community Builders, Inc.
Amount: $6,462
Purpose: To purchase a stage light system for community events at the Montpelier Civic Center.
Montpelier Lions Club (partially funded by the Thomas and Bernice Johnson Memorial Fund)
Amount: $6,000
Purpose: To repair the HVAC system for the Lions Club Community Building in Montpelier.
Blackford United Way, Inc.
Amount: $5,000
Purpose: To provide additional funding for 17 local agencies supported by United Way.
Blackford County Civil War Re-enactment Club, Inc.
Amount: $1,500
Purpose: To help support the Civil War Re-enactment activities during the 2014 Civil War Days.
Montpelier Kiwanis Club (funded by the Thomas and Bernice Johnson Memorial Fund)
Amount: $1,050
Purpose: To provide partial funding for summer 2014 Movies in the Park project at the Kiwanis Park in Montpelier.
Blackford County Economic Development Corporation
Amount: $1,000
Purpose:To provide funding for a partnership with BCEDC for the Place-Based Investment Fund matching grant from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs/Indiana Office of Tourism Development.
Blackford County Historical Society (funded by the Thomas and Bernice Johnson Memorial Fund and the Cimino Family Fund)
Amount: $10,000
Purpose: To renovate the foundation and the exterior walls of the Historical Society’s 1898 brick building.
Blackford United Way, Inc.
Amount: $5,000
Purpose: To support the 2013 annual United Way campaign in Blackford County.
Montpelier Historical Society (funded by the Opal Greenlee Memorial Fund)
Amount: $1,300
Purpose: To replace the overhead lights in the Montpelier Community Building.
East Central Indiana Regional Planning District, Inc.
Amount: $500
Purpose: To partially support the cost of assessing brownfield properties in Blackford County.
Blackford United Way, Inc.
Amount: $8,500
Purpose: To provide funding to local United Way agencies during 2013.
Montpelier Civic Center
Amount: $5,000
Purpose: To help purchase an audio/video light system for the gymnasium/stage area.
Blackford County Economic Development Corporation
Amount: $3,000
Purpose: To assist in installing fiber optics technology for public access in Blackford County.
4 Blackford County
Amount: $1,000
Purpose: To help launch an effort to improve the major corridors into Montpelier and Hartford City.
Blackford County Civil War Re-enactment Club, Inc.
Amount: $1,000
Purpose: To provide financial assistance for Civil War Days 2012.
Hartford City Parks Department (funded by the Annette Ervin Blalock Memorial Fund)
Purpose: To provide a bench at a new dog park facility.
Montpelier Community Builders
Amount: $200
Purpose: To convene a meeting of community stockholders to discuss Montpelier’s future.
Blackford County Civil War Re-enactment Club, Inc.
Amount: $1,000
Purpose: To support activities for Civil War Days 2011.
Blackford County Veterans Affairs Office
Amount: $500
Purpose: To provide additional office help for data input.