Grant Awards

Each year the Foundation typically awards 15 to 30 community grants, ranging from $500 to $25,000.


Out of Cycle

Blackford Youth Soccer League
Amount:  $1,130
Purpose: To purchase and install a sign at the Blackford Youth Soccer Complex in honor of Fred Hoffman

Cycle II

Arts Place, Inc.
Amount:  $6,000
Purpose: To help fund the Arts in the Parks program for summer 2025

Imagination Library
Amount:  $6,000
Purpose: To provide free books to children ages 0-5

McMillen Health
Amount:  $6,400
Purpose: To provide preventative health education programming to at least 300 Blackford County youth in grades pre-k through 12.

Montpelier Youth League, Inc.
Amount:  $4,636
Purpose: To support clean up and improvements at the youth baseball fields

Second Harvest Food Bank
Amount:  $4,636
Purpose: To help support mobile food distribution efforts in Blackford County

Cycle I

Arts Place, Inc.
Amount:  $21,065
Purpose: To help support the MusicWorks program in Blackford County

Blackford County Animal Shelter
Amount:  $7,010
Purpose: To help provide spay and neuter clinics at reduced costs

Blackford County Civil War Reenactment Club, Inc.
Amount:  $7,185
Purpose: To help support programming expenses for the 33rd Annual Civil War Days

Blackford County Community Services, Inc. (Blackford County Senior Citizens Center)
Amount:  $1,135
Purpose: To help purchase kitchen equipment for the Senior Citizens Center

Blackford County Schools
Amount:  $16,093
Purpose: To help purchase high quality curricular resources and materials for k-2 literacy

Hartford City Parks Department
Amount:  $15,470
Purpose: To add fencing to the outfield and dugout areas of the t-ball field and to purchase a scoreboard for the Major League Field

Little Red Door Cancer Agency
Amount:  $2,500
Purpose: To support the Nutritional Supplements and Rides of Hope Transportation programs to Blackford County residents

Montpelier, Indiana Historical Society
Amount:  $3,200
Purpose: To help support Rendezvous on the Reserve programming

BIGJAWs Youth for Christ
Amount:  $9,500
Purpose: To help support Campus Life programming in Blackford County, specifically the Campus Life program budget, trip scholarships and expenses


Cycle II

Arts Place, Inc.
Amount:  $5,000
Purpose: To help fund the Arts in the Parks program for summer 2024

Drug Free Blackford County
Amount:  $1,500
Purpose: To help with resources for Not on Tobacco (N.O.T) – Teen Smoking and Vaping Cessation Program

Hartford City Police Department
Amount:  $8,514.63
Purpose: To help with costs associated with EMT certification courses and the purchase of EMT certified equipment

Helping Hands
Amount:  $1,000
Purpose: To provide Relationships Under Construction sessions to 7th and 8th graders at BJSHS

McMillen Health
Amount:  $6,400
Purpose: To help provide preventative health education to Blackford County K-12th graders

Second Harvest Food Bank
Amount:  $10,000
Purpose: To help with costs associated with Mobile Food Distribution Programs in Blackford County

Cycle I

Arts Place, Inc.
Amount:  $20,828.77 from the Opal Greenlee Memorial Fund
Purpose: To help fund the MusicWorks Program in 2023

Blackford County Schools
Amount:  $5,000
Purpose: To help reduce the cost of attendance for Camp Invention

Blackford County Schools
Amount:  $20,000
Purpose: To help with costs associated with the Literacy Education program

Blackford Youth Soccer League
Amount:  $3,000
Purpose: To help install a sidewalk expansion

Imagination Library
Amount:  $5,000
Purpose: To provide free books to children ages 0-5

Montpelier Indiana Historical Society
Amount:  $2,000
Purpose: To provide additional programming at the Rendezvous on the Reserve

Project Leadership
Amount:  $8,500
Purpose: To continue programming in Blackford County that assists in the enrollment and completion of the 21st Century Scholars program

Youth for Christ
Amount:  $12,000
Purpose: To provide Campus Life programming to 400+ Blackford County students


Out of Cycle

Project Leadership
Amount:  $9,625
Purpose: To help increase enrollment in the 21st Century Scholars program, which provides free tuition to eligible students for up to 4 years

Blackford County 4-H and Open Fair, Inc.
Amount:  $600
Purpose: To help re-paint the inside of the 4-H Building

Blackford County 4-H and Open Fair, Inc.
Amount:  $4,640
Purpose: To help with the construction of the new cattle barn and show arena

Hartford City Parks Department
Amount:  $4,640
Purpose: To help with beautification efforts at the disc golf course

Cycle II

Arts Place, Inc.
Amount:  $5,000
Purpose: To help fund the Arts in the Parks program for summer 2023

Blackford County 4-H and Open Fair, Inc.
Amount:  $5,021.69
Purpose: To help with the construction of the new cattle barn and show arena

Carey Services
Amount:  $10,000
Purpose: To help with construction costs associated with the Career Readiness Training Center

Hartford City Parks Department
Amount:  $5,021.69
Purpose: To help with beautification efforts at the disc golf course

Indiana University Health Foundation
Amount:  $3,684
Purpose: To help with technology costs associated with programming at the Blackford County Senior Citizens Center

McMillen Health
Amount:  $5,000
Purpose: To help provide preventative health education to Blackford County k-12th graders

Cycle I

Arts Place, Inc.
Amount:  $20,675.10 from the Opal Greenlee Memorial Fund
Purpose: To help fund the MusicWorks Program in 2022

Blackford County 4-H and Open Fair, Inc.
Amount:  $25,000
Purpose: To help fund the construction of the new cattle barn and show arena

Blackford County Schools
Amount:  $5,000
Purpose: To help reduce the cost of attendance for Camp Invention

Blackford County Schools
Amount:  $5,650
Purpose: To help purchase drumline equipment for the Blackford Jr. Sr. High School Marching Band

Blackford Greenway, Inc.
Amount:  $4,500
Purpose: To purchase a storage shed for the Blackford Greenway

Imagination Library
Amount:  $5,000
Purpose: To provide free books to children ages 0-5

Little Red Door Cancer Agency
Amount:  $2,500
Purpose: To support the Rides of Hope and Nutritional Supplements programs

Montpelier, Indiana Historical Society
Amount:  $1,350
Purpose: To provide additional programming at the Rendezvous on the Reserve

Science Central
Amount:  $5,000
Purpose: To provide Science4U Outreach programming to students in Blackford County

Visiting Nurse
Amount:  $2,500
Purpose: To help promote hospice and grief support programs in Blackford County

Youth for Christ
Amount:  $4,500
Purpose: To provide Campus Life programming to over 800+ Blackford County students


Cycle II

Arts Place, Inc.
Amount:  $5,000
Purpose: To help fund the Arts in the Parks program for summer 2022

C.O.M.E. (Christian Outdoor Ministry Experience)
Amount:  $2,720 from the Betty L. and Robert W. Renner Community Fund and the Blackford County HOPE Fund
Purpose:  To provide updated hunting and fishing equipment for youth mentoring program and support for annual game dinner

McMillen Health Center
Amount:  $2,500
Purpose:  To provide supplementary health education for Blackford County Schools classrooms

Montpelier Civic Center
Amount: $1,198 from the Betty L. and Robert W. Renner Community Fund and the Rusha J. Marine Fund
Purpose: To purchase additional exercise equipment

Second Harvest Food Bank
Amount: $5,000 from the Vincent F. and Anna C. Cimino Fund, the Jeffery W. and Peggy L. Fisher Unrestricted Endowment Fund, the Betty L. and Robert W. Renner Community Fund, the Paul L. Roderick Memorial Fund, the Joanne and Nolan Willman Unrestricted Fund, the Charles and Betty Walker Fund and the Thomas and Florence Bernice Johnson Memorial Fund
Purpose: To help support hunger alleviation programs in Blackford County

Cycle I

Arts Place, Inc.
Amount:  $19,250 from the Opal Greenlee Memorial Fund
Purpose: To help fund the MusicWorks program offering music lessons at the Blackford Arts Center for 2021-22

Blackford County Civil War Reenactment Club, Inc.
Amount:  $6,000 from the Joanne and Nolan Willman Unrestricted Fund
Purpose: To help purchase the services of professional reenactors for Civil War Days 2021

Hartford City Parks Department
Amount: $10,000
Purpose:  To make improvements to the skate park

Hartford City Parks Department
Amount: $5,000 partially from the Dorothy Gadbury Fund
Purpose: To provide funding for a new disc golf course

Hartford City Public Library
Amount:  $5,250 from the CAPE Fund
Purpose:  To help construct the outdoor classroom at the Nature Play Area

Blackford County Schools
Amount:  $5,000 from the Betty L. and Robert W. Renner Community Fund and the Paul L. Roderick Memorial Fund
Purpose:  To help reduce the cost for individual participants attending Camp Invention in 2021

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
Amount:  $5,000 from the CAPE Fund
Purpose:  To help provide monthly books to local children under 5 years old

Montpelier Civic Center
Amount: $7,800 from the Dorothy Gadbury Fund
Purpose: To purchase additional exercise equipment


Cycle II

Arts Place, Inc.
Amount:  $5,000
Purpose: To help fund the Arts in the Parks program for summer 2020

Arts Place, Inc.
Amount:  $19,350 from the Opal Greenlee Memorial Fund
Purpose: To help fund the MusicWorks program offering music lessons at the Blackford Arts Center for 2020-21

Blackford County 4-H Council
Amount:  $2,500
Purpose: To help purchase 4-H manuals for 150 Blackford County Youth

Blackford County Schools
Amount:  $9,929
Purpose: To help partner with the Transform Consulting Group to develop an Early Childhood Coalition in Blackford County

Blackford Development Corporation
Amount:  $1,000
Purpose: To help provide preliminary design services for Weiler Lot park

Blackford Youth Soccer League
Amount:  $10,728
Purpose: To help with the sidewalk expansion, entryway addition and entry way sign at the soccer complex

Grace United Methodist Church
Amount:  $3,000
Purpose: To help with the Sumer Fund and Food Truck program

Imagination Library
Amount:  $5,000
Purpose: To help support the Dolly Parton Imagination Library program in Blackford County

Montpelier Civic Center
Amount:  $3,732
Purpose: To help with the commercialization of the restrooms at the Montpelier Civic Center

Blackford County Community Foundation
Amount:  $5,000
Purpose: To help local nonprofit projects with economic issues thy have have due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Cycle I

Arts Place, Inc.
Amount:  $5,000
Purpose: To help fund the Arts in the Parks program for summer 2021

Community and Family Services
Amount:  $11,500
Purpose: To help support the Silver Lining program

Hartford City Public Library
Amount:  $7,550
Purpose: To help support the Hartford City Urban Forest Greenscape Commission in their work on the Nature Play Area


Out of Cycle

Blackford Initiative
Amount:  $2,000
Purpose: To help with the start-up costs of the Blackford County Digital Communications Project

Cycle II

Blackford County Schools
Amount:  $5,995
Purpose: To help add a drone curriculum to the 8th grade computer course

City of Montpelier
Amount:  $1,112
Purpose: To help purchase items made of the recycled caps donated by Creek Run

Cycle I

Arts Place, Inc.
Amount:  $25,000 from the Opal Greenlee Memorial Fund
Purpose: To help fund the MusicWorks Program in 2020

Blackford County Schools
Amount:  $5,000
Purpose: To help reduce the cost of Camp Invention for students

Blackford County Schools
Amount:  $740
Purpose: To help purchase resources necessary to support the choking prevention and rescue training curriculum

Blackford County Schools
Amount:  $1,743
Purpose: To help fund the guitar lab at Northside Elementary School

Blackford County Schools
Amount:  $5,700
Purpose: To help purchase two literacy footprints kindergarten kits

Blackford County Schools
Amount:  $3,200
Purpose: To help students attend the Indiana Association of Student Council’s Students Leading Indiana summer camp

Blackford United Way
Amount:  $5,000
Purpose: To help provide community support

Community and Family Serives
Amount:  $5,000
Purpose: To help purchase food for the food pantries serving Blackford County

Community and Family Services
Amount:  $6,567
Purpose: To help purchase two DIG (develope, inspire, grow) curriculums for Blackford County Head Start classrooms

Dolly Parton Imagination Library
Amount:  $5,000
Purpose: To help purchase books for children ages 0-5

Hartford City Public Library
Amount:  $12,200
Purpose: To help hire Flatland Resources to design materials palette and planting plan and to hlep with istallation of spring landscaping at the Nature Play Area

Helping Hands Pregnancy Resource Center
Amount:  $2,000
Purpose: To help purchase materials and activity resources for the Family Life Group Program at Helping Hands

Little Red Door Cancer Agency
Amount:  $2,500
Purpose:  To help suppor the Rides of Hope and the Nutritional Supplements programs provided to the residents of Blackford County

Mental Health Assocation of Blackford County
Amount: $1,000
Purpose: To help send one special needs adolescent to summer camp

Montpelier Civic Center
Amount: $11,040
Purpose: To help install LED lights at the Montpelier Civic Center

Tori’s Butterfly Garden
Amount:  $2,750
Purpose: To help finance the SummerFest Arts Festival